Publications Overview


Newcomer’s Booklet        

Nicotine Anonymous: The Book                                                                            Nicotine Anonymous Step Study Workbook
Our Path to Freedom: Twelve Stories of Recovery

A Year of Miracles: Meditations Written by Members of Nicotine Anonymous

Reflections on Freedom Daily Meditations On The Steps To Recovery

90 Days, 90 Ways (daily meditations)

Sponsorship In Nicotine Anonymous

The Twelve Traditions of Nicotine Anonymous (Extended Version)

Nicotine Anonymous Bylaws

Ask about available translations: [email protected]


Introducing Nicotine Anonymous

To the Newcomer and Sponsorship in Nicotine Anonymous

Our Policy of Openness: Our Higher Power As We Each May Come to Understand

How Nicotine Anonymous Works: Honesty, Openness, Willingness

Nicotine Anonymous: The Program and The Tools

A Nicotine User's View of The Twelve Steps

The Serenity Prayer for Nicotine Users

Slogans To Help Us Be Happy, Joyous and Free Living Without Nicotine

Abstinence: What is it?

Tips for Gaining Freedom from Nicotine

Facing the Fatal Attraction

Freedom from Vaping Nicotine

To the Dipper and Chewer: The Smokeless Tobacco User

Our Promises

World Services, My Intergroup, and Me

Introducing Nicotine Anonymous to the Medical Profession

For Concerned Friends and Family of Nicotine Users

Spanish pamphlets available at our Web Store

Other Items

Voices of NicA (CD)

Nicotine Anonymous: The Book & Our Path to Freedom (CD)

Materials to Start a Meeting

Help Carry the Message

Please consider making a donation to support Nicotine Anonymous World Services (Tradition Seven) cover the costs of carrying our message of recovery to all nicotine addicts who seek recovery      
Tradition Five). Learn more about  contributions and self-support      

Copyright and Reprint Policy

All individuals or organizations must secure permission, in writing, from the Nicotine Anonymous World Services Office before quoting or reprinting any original Nicotine Anonymous material. Photocopying Nicotine Anonymous literature from printed material or copying from the Nicotine Anonymous World Services website to any website or for public distribution is copyright infringement. Individuals are encouraged to read Nicotine Anonymous pamphlet literature at the official Nicotine Anonymous World services’ website and/or purchase any and all of our literature available at our online web-Store.

How We Create Publications

All translations of Nicotine Anonymous literature provided to Nicotine Anonymous World Services that are accepted in good faith according to the posted Disclaimer, become the property of Nicotine Anonymous World Services. Individuals, organizations, or Nicotine Anonymous members granted permission to produce multiple copies of translated materials for distribution and/or sale should report such activities to Nicotine Anonymous World Services Office. Financial contributions of support to Nicotine Anonymous World Services in proportion to such activities may be asked for, and the amount to be determined with consultation of the Nicotine Anonymous World Services Board Officers.